The upper image shows the bubble solution tray for the machine. A vertical crack down the left corner ruins the tray. In the lower image, a screwdriver pierces the crack for identification. Four out of the nine kits came with cracked bubble solution trays. We were in the middle of the class course and there was no time to ask for replacements from Shenzhen. I think we will have to either find a plastic container about this size or repair what we have. I will try to repair but that will add another $1 of cost to the project for super glue.
The DIY Automatic Bubble Machine Parts Received.
Each student got all these parts for $11.56: $8.72 + $0.84 tax + $2.00 delivery. Shipping time was 10 to 15 days from the Shenzhen, China. These parts includes two electric motors, a battery case, with all the parts needed. Batteries and bubble soap were not included but available at the dollar store for $2.14. We found some parts left over after finishing the project .
DIY automatic bubble machine construction issue
The wire insulation had to be removed to connect the bare wire to the motor. The wire comes with only 1/8 inch of bare wire and that is enough only to solder the wire to the motor loop. But, 5th grade students did not know how to solder or did not have the equipment needed. So, 1 inch of insulation had to be removed. The wire was cheap and fragile, and wire strands got removed with the insulation using a wire stripper. Finally, burning off the insulation solved the problem and prepared the wires for further use. None of this was in the instructions.
These questions were asked of the students before the project started
What is an electric motor?
What is a mechanical gearbox?
How does a battery work?
What is an electrical circuit?
How does a fan move air?
What is electricity?
How does electricity flow through the wire?
What is an insulator?
Demonstrating the completed DIY bubble making machine
The automated bubble blower shoots out hundreds of soap bubbles. The geared motor slowly turns the bubble wands through the soap solution and lifts the wands in front of a fan. The fast motor fan shoots the air through the wand forming bubbles that fly out across the room.
Purchase from Amazon for $8.99
DIY automatic bubble machine
This class teaches mechanical engineering using a DIY automatic bubble machine kit. The kit was available from Amazon for $8.99. Two electrical motors are included in the kit. One motor contains a gear box. The students connect the wires to the motor and in that way learn about conductivity and electric circuit. The idea of having a fun toy when this is over provides incentive to learn these tasks. The student learn some fine motor skill assembling the project.