This has been a classic biology experiment for decades. The kits cost only $10 with Amazon Prime but the product had 379 reviews with a strange distribution of equal 5s and 1s. It looks like there is about a 50:50 change of the sea monkeys growing. I think there always has been a quality control issue. Sea Monkeys first started in 1957 with ads in comic books. Many kids saved up there pennies to get them and they are a legend today. They look nothing like the pictures of them; the ads sold fantasy more than fact. Scientifically, they are brine shrimp, a very interesting species found in salt lakes like in Utah. However, the company claims they are a special cross breeds that do not need aeration and are thus low maintenance pets for children. One can make a study out of these creatures. I hope to show you the grown Sea Monkeys in a week.