The pond that is filled with nasty bacteria, algae, plants, and parasites holds the key to understanding the biosphere. Because, the pond itself is a biosphere that has no inlet or outlet, and yet it has sustained life for longer than we have been around. This pond has been hidden in the backwoods of Ohio for centuries. The water is steaming with life, bacteria, insects, and reptiles. The highest form of life in this pond is the frog. One way of increasing the chances of a DIY biosphere working, is to use some water from a well-established pond. Humans have learned to filter out and kill bacteria and microbes that would make them sick, and yet that is the food chain needed our biosphere. An 18-year-old Ohio woman died of primary amebic mengioencephalitis from a brain eating amoeba on Sunday June 19th. We have come a long way from living in water and we want to close the doors, however that is where life began and is an interesting place to study the life.