Arduino $50 Robot Challenge

The challenge was to keep the Arduino Robot Labs fee to $50. I found the following items on Ebay from Asia. I never thought I could do this, and it has not been done yet, but I have hope.

UNO R3 Kit - Starter to Ultimate - Arduino Compatible, LCD, Breadboard, Sensor $21.96

Motor Drive Shield Expansion Board L293D For Arduino $4.48

HC-SR04  Ultrasonic Module Range Distance Measure Transducer Sensor $1.96

2WD Motor Smart Robot Car Chassis Kit Speed Encoder Battery Box for Arduino 1:48 $13.27

Total $41.67 and this is with postage paid. 

Arduino UNO R3 Starter Kit

One thing nice about the Arduino platform is that it was historically developed by educators with open source learning in mind, and there is no heavy corporation control of the patents. I think I might be able to get all the supplies needed to make an Arduino robot for $50 (class fee), but this means ordering the parts directly from China through ebay. For example, Today I ordered the UNO R3 Starter Kit for 21.96! If you don’t mind waiting for slow boat mail, I think these prices are incredible. Everything needed to start coding a microprocessor

Microprocessor Controlled Robot

Almost every piece of electronics we touch is microprocessor controlled. Microprocessors, or microcomputer, are embedded in most of our everyday tools and appliances. One of the most important thing to teach our children is how microprocessors work. We are becoming dependent upon microprocessor controlled devices to the point that our children's quality of life will depend upon their skill and adapting to them. This Super Saturday course on microprocessor controlled robots will introduce the concept of computer programming and the control of a toy robot using student generated programs downloaded in the micro controllers.

One of the most famous commercially available microprocessor controlled robot is call the Boe-Bot sold by Parallax. It uses a microcontroller called the basic stamp that can be programmed in Basic computer language. This robot is high quality and popular, however the cost of $150 takes it too a level where many student cannot afford this toy since many of these toy just sit in the corner of closets after their fun is over. Some student move on to more challenging projects. Not doubt the quality of the Boe-bot is good and there is a lot of online libraries of programs that can be borrowed and tried. 

With the goal of keeping the cost of this course under $50, I have started talking with Rocket Brand Studios about their kit called the Tadpole that is said to sell for $49.95. Maybe with a volume discount and newer low cost  Arduino microprocessor, the goal can be reached. 
